Kalila and Demna 6 stories

Kalila and Demna 6 stories

Kalila and Demna 6 stories

عدد الصفحات: 6 Stories
مقاس الكتاب: 22×23.5
دار النشر: دار كيان

Kalila and Demna 6 stories - Draw bay: Abeer Hassan. Prepared by: Sayed El Bolk. Designed by: Omar El sayed.
Kalila and Demna stories apparently tell us about animals adn birds, on the other hand, they shed light on moral and educational aims to all individuals og the society.
These stories provide wisdom, advice and sometimes humour, so we present this collection of stories to benefit our young children and to in crease their intelligence and understanding.
Titles of stories in this group:
1- The minister fox. 2- The Turtle and The Monkey. 3- the lion and the donkey. 4- The crow's trick. 5- The Intelligent rabbit. 6- The Mouse and The Cat.

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Kalila and Demna 6 stories
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